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使用條款 Terms & Conditions

  1. 本網站所載之內容,包括但不限於文字、照片、影片、標誌、圖表及其他事項,均為本會之財產及受知識產權所保護,閣下不得複印、複製及更改。
    All materials and contents contained in this website, including but not limited to text, photographs, video, logos and other materials are the property of the Club and are protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights. None of such material and content shall be copied, reproduced or modified.


  2. 本網站內載有通往其它網站之連結("該些網站"),而該等第三方或非本會之聯營機構或與本會有任何聯繫。本會的網站列入該等超連結,僅為協助用戶瀏覽及作參考之用。本會無法保証該些網站內之內容或陳述之真確性,如閣下因使用該等網站而引致或蒙受任何損害或損失,本會概不負責。
    This website may provide links to other websites operated by third parties ("Third Party Websites"), such Third Party Websites may not be the Club's affiliates or relate to the Club. The Club could not warrant the accuracy of the information or statement stated in the Third Party Websites. The Club shall not be responsible or liable for any damages which incurred by any of the content or statement stated in the Third Party Websites.


  3. 本會有權在無須通知閣下的情況下刪除閣下儲存或上載於本網站的任何資料。
    The Club has the right to remove any information that you have uploaded or saved to this website without prior notice.


  4. 本網站所提供的資料僅作參考用途,本會不會對包括但不限於以下所列作出任何保證,本會在任何情況下均不會負責因下列各項引致或與下列各項有關之責任及╱或損失:

    1. 本網站所載內容或資料的準確性;

    2. 本網站的穩定性或可使用性;及/或

    3. 透過本網站供應的服務或產品。

    Information provided in this website is for reference only. The Club makes no warranty, including but not limited to any warranty on or in relation to the following matters and shall not be responsible or liable for any losses incurred under all circumstances:-

    1. the accuracy of the contents contained therein;

    2. the stability or availability of this website;

    3. the services or products available from this website.


  5. 本會不會負責閣下因使用或不當使用本網站或透過本網站取得的任何資料、資訊而蒙受或可能蒙受的任何損失。
    The Club shall not be liable for any losses which you have suffered or you may suffer as a result of your use or misuse of this website or your reliance of any information or content from this website.


  6. 如因閣下不當使用本網站而引致本會或本會之相聯公司被法律追討,閣下需彌償所有有關損失,包括但不限於損失、訟費及支出。
    You shall indemnify the Club and its affiliates any loss, including but not limited to legal costs and expenses incurred by your misuse of this websites.


  7. 本會可隨時修訂本條款,有關條款一經修改,閣下隨即受該等修訂約束。
    The Club has the right to amend the terms and conditions herein and you shall be bound by such amendments.


  8. 本條款受香港特別行政區(「香港特區」)法律管轄,並按照香港特區法律解釋。
    This terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


  9. 若本條款及條件的任何部份被視為不合法或由於任何原因無法執行,該部份將被視為與本條款及條件分割,而本條款及條件的所有其餘條款及條件之有效性及可執行性均不受其影響。
    If any part of these terms and conditions shall be deemed unlawful or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed to be severable from these terms and conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions.


  10. 若中英文版存有差異時,將以中文版為準。
    If there is any conflict between the English and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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